

Our country’s foreign policy and national security are intertwined and must be conducted in a manner consistent with our democratic values and principles. Those critical foreign policy decisions must be crafted and implemented so as the national security interests of the United States and the American people are first and foremost, and above any personal political interests. Foreign policy and national security should never be viewed strictly as transactional and one-sided. Foreign policy conducted with other countries is based on a relationship of trust and commitment to that relationship. When that trust and commitment is severed, our national security is weakened.

Conducting our country’s foreign policy and national security initiatives via a twitter account without consulting and coordinating with our government institutions that are in place to provide this critically important guidance and insight to policymakers is irresponsible and certainly harmful to the brave men and women serving in our military and intelligence services, as well as our foreign allies. Because of these decisions and the conduct of the current administration, our country’s credibility and trust with our foreign allies has been shaken and weakened. We see daily the devastating results of foreign policy and national security decisions being made by the current administration based strictly on what political and personal self-interests can be obtained, as opposed to the interests of the United States and the American people. The resultant silence and inaction from congressional representatives has been equally disappointing and troubling.

America needs to lead from the front and on the world stage. Our foreign policy should not be based in further isolationist policies that only weakens us as a country, as well as our democratic allies around the world. We do not have to be the world’s “policeman” and we cannot interject and resolve every issue or crisis that exists. We also can ensure that we are taking care of our citizens and the homeland with “America First” domestic and foreign policies. But it does not mean we have to retreat from our allies and the rest of the world. To do so would be devastating to our future prospects for security and peace. Our country has always been able to take on multiple challenges here at home or around the world. For our country to be strong and to regain that leadership role in the world, we need stable and capable leadership leading us here at home.

Todd supports these FOREIGN POLICY & NATIONAL SECURITY policy initiatives:

  • Protecting our democratic values and principles; promoting those democratic values and human rights around the world.

  • Working to resolve international issues while refusing to be obsequious with dictators and authoritarian regimes.

  • Investing in the modernization of our military for the challenges in the 21st century.

  • Investing in the U.S. Department of State, Foreign Service and diplomatic corps for the challenges in the 21st century.

  • Investing in Cybersecurity – Whole-of-Government approach with robust private/public partnerships.

  • Leading efforts to combat international terrorism.

  • Restoring our leadership role in combating the crisis of global climate change.